Why 95% of men will lose their hair (not what you think)

Whether you choose our VitaFoam + Scalp Rolling treatment or a medical-based treatment like Finasteride, the key to any result is CONSISTENCY.

Just like working out, you won't see results the first from your treatments. So you must create a daily regimen like taking a shower and brushing your teeth.

With so many hair loss solutions, staying consistent is a challenge. Most people get lazy and quit and, as a result, lose their hair.

We’ve worked 1 on 1 with hundreds of clients, and over 90% of them struggled with consistency.

That's precisely why we designed a stupid simple 2-Step System that will keep you consistent.

  1. VitaFoam once in the morning while you get ready for work and once at night as you wind down for bed.
  2. We like to call it Scalp Roll Sunday. An easy 5 min session of scalp rolling once a week. To make it even easier, you can skip VitaFoam the day you Scalp Roll 🙂

For your convenience, you'll get a fresh bottle of VitaFoam and a brand new Scalp Roller discreetly delivered to your doorstep every month.

That way, you don't have the headache of reordering every month and as a result, keeping you consistent.

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